3 Reasons to Learn More Vanilla JavaScript

Liz Burke
2 min readMay 16, 2021


With access to programs such as Angular, React, Vue and many others JS frameworks are easily accessible everywhere. Using frameworks is a great way to quickly build out a complex and functional application. With time and energy saving frameworks available at our fingertips, it’s still so important and worthwhile to learn as much vanilla JavaScript as possible. Here are a few reasons why:

Reason #1: Developing in-depth understanding of JavaScript makes learning and implementing new JavaScript frameworks easier.

JavaScript is the most popular programming language on the web and you will most likely use it in some form for every application you build using a variety of libraries and frameworks. By taking the time to understand it’s foundation, the challenges you’ll face when building out an application using a framework will be limited to learning that particular framework’s syntax. You’ll also know better when to use a framework vs writing a piece of simple logic that will do exactly what you need, without the risk for potential bugs. This means being able to build, debug and deliver products with amazing features faster and easier.

Reason #2: Knowing pure JavaScript makes you a more valuable developer.

JavaScript is one of the primary languages needed for development and part of that reason is how it stretches from front to back end. Having firm knowledge in a language so important to both the client and server side functionality will make you stand out from the pack. Plain and simple, your skillset will allow you to solve more complex problems which makes you more important to your development team — both front and back end.

Reason #3: Learning vanilla JavaScript will help you to evolve with the language itself, the steady flow of new JS frameworks, and allow you to be more innovative within your work.

Designing applications that can grow and evolve with time allows those programs to stay relevant in a quickly and ever-evolving virtual climate. By better understanding what’s happening under the hood within your programs, you are able to keep up with the times by adjusting your program as needed to work with new technologies. You’ll also be the person on your team able to implement “hot new framework,” and all of the cutting edge companies are using “hot new framework” these days!

Taking the extra time and energy to really develop your knowledge of vanilla JavaScript is a challenge, but a worthwhile feat that will make you more valuable in the world of programming. Truly understanding and continually building on your knowledge of JS in pure form will allow learning new technologies to be easier and faster, make you an invaluable player on your development team, and help you to move from functional and executive programming to becoming a truly innovative and creative developer mind.



Liz Burke

Full-time SE student at Flatiron. Exp. graduation June 2021. BA from Ball State University in Communications, Audio and Video Production